tom hanks


Everything Wrong With Cloud Atlas In 24 Minutes Or Less

For the traditional CinemaSins “Outtakes” for Cloud Atlas, click here: Cloud Atlas is an unfilmable book, so of course…

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Everything Wrong With The Polar Express In 12 Minutes Or Less

The Polar Express is based on a beloved children’s book and serves as the first fully-motion-captured animated film. And it…

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Everything Wrong With Big In 18 Minutes Or Less

Big is a classic comedy film and one of Tom Hanks’ most famous performances. We love it. But it still…

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Everything Wrong With You've Got Mail In AOL Minutes

You’ve Got Mail is a movie that lots of people love. I am not one of them. It’s the worst.…

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Everything Wrong With Forrest Gump In 16 Minutes Or Less

I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump. I’m a movie and I have sins. Next week: Action sins and romance sins. Remember, no…

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Everything Wrong With Angels & Demons In 17 Minutes Or Less

*This video is a re-upload. Original release date: 10/26/16* Also, TV Sins here: Even though The Da Vinci Code…

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Everything Wrong With Cast Away In 14 Minutes Or Less

Look what I have created! I… have found… SINS!! Here are all the sins we found in Tom Hanks’ Cast…

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Everything Wrong With The Da Vinci Code In 15 MInutes Or Less

Tom Hanks’ new film Inferno is tearing up the international box office. Why? Because apparently someone somewhere likes these movies.…

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