m. night


Everything Wrong With Old In 15 Minutes Or Less

Outtakes are here: https://youtu.be/iLBOjQTGOpA Old is a movie about a beach that ages people rapidly because of some kind of…

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Everything Wrong With Glass In 20 Minutes Or Less

After Split revealed itself to be a stealth sequel to Unbreakable, and after Split made some money, M. Night came…

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Everything Wrong With The Village In 15 Minutes Or Less

In observance of Glass, a new M. Night movie, we decided to go looking for sins in The Village. And…

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Everything Wrong With Split In 16 Minutes Or Less

Split! The movie that put M. Night back on the map! I guess. I mean… I don’t know… I watched…

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Everything Wrong With Unbreakable In 12 Minutes Or Less

Unbreakable… the “realistic” superhero origin film. From back when M. Night was still on fire. Sins? Oh, for sure. But…

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Everything Wrong With The Last Airbender In 4 Minutes Or Less

You asked for it. Some of you begged. And in order to make this, we had to watch this movie…

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